Photos - 2004 Reunion - Sunday Lunch

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Sunday Noon LDDM Luncheon - Funday Restaurant, Digby, Nova Scotia - 15 Photos

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Closest table, ( l to r) clockwise: Jim Gaboury (green shirt), Darlene Nielson, Bertha Doucette, George Doucette, Eldine Doucet, Carol Doucet, Gary Auclair, Jackie Auclair (mostly hidden), Pat Hayes, Dean Doucet. Second table: Diane Murenbeeld (aqua , red hair, glasses), Gilbert Doucet (gray-white striped shirt , next to Diane), Norman Doucette (yellow shirt, back to camera), Norman's guests - to his right, Linda Doucette - other side of table (army green)

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(l to r) clockwise:, Alan Hayes, Bob Vallee, Claire Vallee, Doris Doucet, Lou Doucet, Delores Doucet, Dean Doucet, Jim Gaboury (with camera), Bertha Doucet (partially hidden), George Doucette (partially hidden), Eldine Doucet, Carol Doucet, Gary Auclair, Jackie Auclair, Pat Hayes.

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Front table, (l to r) Bob Vallee, Darlene Nielson (standing), Carol Doucet, Norman Doucette (standing), Gary Auclair, Jackie Auclair, Pat Hayes, Alan Hayes.

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The people labeled (1d?) below need to be identified. If you know who they are email with the number below and their name. L to R: Norman's guest, Norman's guest, Norman Doucette, (1da), Diane Murenbeeld, (1db) man sitting partially hidden, Eldine Doucet (standing), (1dc) Man sitting down with camera, Darlene Nielson (standing), (1dd), (1de), (1df), Linda Doucette (standing - army green ), Norman's guest (1dg) in yellow shirt.

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The people labeled (1e?) below need to be identified. If you know who they are email with the number below and their name. (l to r) around table: Paul Doucet with Back to camera, Monique Mongrain is the one with glasses and a stripped shirt, Ida (Levasseur) Doucet is the lady with blue jacket and glasses, Vivian Liber-Doucet is wearing the flowered top, Linda Doucette, (1e5) Yellow stripped shirt, (Le6) man end of table side view, Norman Doucette, yellow shirt; Diane Murenbeeld (aqua blue shirt, red hair), Gilbert Doucet, Eldine Doucet, standing with camera, (1e7) Man standing with camera.

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The person labeled (1f1) below needs to be identified. If you know who they are email with the number below and their name. (l to r) (1f1) yellow shirt, Alan Hayes, Bob Vallee, Bertha Doucette, Gary Auclair.

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(l to r) Claire Vallee, Doris Doucet, Lou Doucet, Gaetan Doucet, Jim Gaboury (green), Darlene Nielson, Bertha Doucette -partially hidden), George Doucette (hidden), Eldine Doucet, Carol Doucet (hidden), Gary Auclair, Jackie Auclair, Pat Hayes.

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The people labeled (1h?) below need to be identified. If you know who they are email with the number below and their name. Gary Auclair, Jackie Auclair, Pat Hayes. At second table: (1h1) girl in blue, (1h2) in yellow shirt.

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(l to r) Eldine and Carol Doucet, Gary and Jackie Auclair.

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(l to r) Lou Doucet, Darlene Nielson, Bertha Doucette (partially hidden), George Doucette, Eldine Doucet and Carol Doucet.

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The people labeled (1k?) below need to be identified. If you know who they are email with the number below and their name. Front table: Gary Auclair. Rear table: (l to r) Diane Murenbeeld back to camera, Monique Mongrain is the blonde lady standing up, Rudolphe Doucet is sitting back to camera, Ida Doucet lady w/ blue jacket looking at book, Paul Doucet standing in back with glasses, Vivian Liber-Doucet is the lady in flowered blouse looking at book, Gilbert Doucet in white shirt standing up, Linda Doucette (green), (1k7) girl in blue blouse, (1k8) man in white shirt with back to camera.

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The person labeled (1la) below needs to be identified. If you know who they are email with the number below and their name. Lou Doucet, Gaetan Doucet, (1la), Dean Doucet, Jim Gaboury, Darlene Nielson, Bertha Doucette, George Doucette, Eldine Doucet, and Carol Doucet.

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(l to r) Doris Doucet (back to camera), Jim Gaboury (green), Darlene Nielson, Bertha Doucette partially hidden, George Doucette, Eldine Doucet, Dean Doucet (standing), and Carol Doucet.

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The people labeled (1n?) below need to be identified. If you know who they are email with the number below and their name. 1st row, (sitting) Eldine Doucet, Carol Doucet 2nd row: Diane Murenbeeld, Doris Doucet, Gilbert Doucet, Paul Doucet, Vivian Liber-Doucet, Jackie Auclair, Rudolphe Doucet, Darlene Nielson, Jim Gaboury. Back row: Dean Doucet, Lou Doucet, (1ne), Pat Hayes, (1nf), Norman's daughter, Linda Doucette, Norman Doucette, Gaetan Doucet, George Doucette.

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LDDM Board Members Front (sitting) Carol Doucet Standing (l to r) Lou Doucet, Dean Doucet, Pat Hayes, Jackie Auclair, Norman Doucette, Darlene Nielson, Jim Gaboury, Gaetan Doucet, and George Doucette.