Photos - 2004 Reunion - Sunday
Night Wine & Cheese Tasting

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Sunday Night Welcome / Wine & Cheese Tasting - 8 Photos

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Jeanne Doucet-Currie, Pauline Doucet Scott (Jeanne's sister), Wayne Currie (Jeanne's) husband.

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A large crowd gathered for the Sunday night talk.

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First generation chart was on display.

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A lot of new friends were made and plenty of good discussions took place.

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(l to r) Wayne Doucet and Dean Doucet

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(l to r) George Doucette (standing) , Darlene Nielson, Jim Gaboury, Bertha Doucette - (sitting, blue)

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Jackie Auclair being interviewed by Lise Doucet, of the BBC, about her shirt with her Doucet line on it.

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Glenda Doucet-Boudreau, the president of ADNE, being interviewed by Lise Doucet, of the BBC.