Photos - 2004 Reunion -
Monday Exhibits and Lunch

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Exhibits and Lunch - 18 Photos

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Pat Hayes, Eldine Doucet, and Darlene Nielson hard at work on the LDDM booth.

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There was a lot of traffic and activity around the LDDM booth, all day long.

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Foreground: Carol Doucet (white t-shirt), Dean Doucet (back tocamera, dark green striped shirt), perhaps Laval Doucet(baseball cap), Jim Gaboury (white t- shirt). At the booth: Pat Hayes, Darlene Nielson,

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When lunch time came around there was plenty to eat.

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Two serving lines were moving constantly.

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Everyone enjoyed the food and more new friends were made during lunch time, as people sat and ate at the large tables.

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The person labeled (4g1) below needs to be identified. If you know who they are email with the number below and their name. (l to r) (4g1) and Lou Doucet were discussing the LDDM web site.

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The people labeled (4h?) below need to be identified. If you know who they are email with the number below and their name. At the LDDM booth: (l to r around table) (4h1) pink sweater, (4h2) black shirt, Dean Doucet, (4h3) gentleman behind Dean, (4h4) sitting with white shirt, (4h5) Standing with stripped shirt, (4h6) sitting down yellow jacket, Darlene Nielson, Eldine Doucet sitting, and Jim Gaboury.

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Officers were kept busy in front of the booth as well as behind it.

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The person labeled (4j1) below needs to be identified. If you know who they are email with the number below and their name. (l to r) Jim Gaboury, Jackie Auclair, Darlene Nielson, Pat Hayes, Eldine Doucet, Diane Murenbeeld back to camera, Dean Doucet back to camera, and (4j1).

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There were also many vendors there selling interesting items.

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More of the vendor area.

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The people labeled (4m?) below need to be identified. If you know who they are email with the number below and their name. (l to r) forground: Lou Doucet, Eldine Doucet sitting, Jim Gaboury, (4m1) blue jack standing, Dean Doucet, (4mb) white jacket, and (4mc) plaid shirt standing.

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The person labeled (4n2) below need to be identified. If you know who she is email with the number below and their name. (l to r) Richard Landry, (4n2), Delores Doucet, and Gaetan Doucet.

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The people labeled (4o?) below need to be identified. If you know who they are email with the number below and their name. (l to r) (4o1) and (4o2).

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The people labeled (4p?) below need to be identified. If you know who they are email with the number below and their name. (l to r) (4p1) man on right, (4p2) Becky's daughter, (4p3) lady white shirt in background, Becky's daughter (4p4), Becky Lavergne, Delores Doucet.

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Stephen White, genealogist from the Universite de Moncton, giving his afternoon speech.

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La Baie en Joie - Dance troupe from the Church Point area.