Our Acadian Heritage

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Place Names Have Changed From Old Acadian Names

Place names in Acadia have changed since it was a French colony in the 18th century.  Here are some of the important places mentioned in Acadian history and their modern name. Many Acadian names came from the Micmac Indian language.  In some instances, old French place names have simply been anglicized.
Old Name New Name Old Name New Name
Abenaquis Malecities Les Mines Hantsport
Annapolis Nord Granville Les Trois Rivieres Georgetown
Annapolis Sud Annapolis Royal Malpeque Richmond Bay
Annarechaque Arichat Medictec Woodstock
Baie de Espagnols Sydney Mirligueche Lunenburg
Baie Francaise Bay of Fundy Nerichac, Nerichat Arichat
Baie Maringouin Cumberland Nipisiguit Bathurst
Bassin de Mines Minas Basin Niganiche, Naganiche Ingonish
Beaubassin Amherst Nigawac, Nigaouec Neguac
Canceau, Campseau Canso Pentagoet Penobscot
Cap Baptiste Cape Blomidon Pisiguid, Pisiquit Windsor
Cap de Sable Barrington Pesmacady Passamaquoddy
Cap Fendu Cape Split Petcoudiak Hillsborough
Cap Fourchu Yarmouth Plaisance Placentia
Cap Lomeron Yarmouth Pobomcoup Pubnico
Cap Neigre Cape Negro Pointe Prime Point Prim
Chebouctou, Chibouctou    Halifax Port Dauphin St. Ann's
Chedabouctou Guysborough Port Toulouse St. Ann's
Chedalique, Gedalique Saint John Port Lajole Charlottetown
Chetican, Le Chady Cheticamp Port Rochelais Shelbourne
Chipagan Shippagan Port Rossignol Liverpool
Chipoudie, Chipoudy Shepody Port Royal Annapolis
Cobequid Truro Rasico Rustico
Fort Gaspareau Port Elgin Riviere aux Canards Canning
Fort La Tour Saint John Riviere de l'Quest Elliot River
Fort Saint Louis Yarmouth Riviere des Habitants Inhabitant's River
Gaspereau Cornwallis Riviere du Dauphin Annapolis River
Grand Pré Grand Pré Riviere du Nord Yorke River
I'Havre 'l'Anglais Louisbourg Riviere du Nord-est Hillsborough River
Ile Royale Cape Breton Island Riviere Mesagoueche Missaguash River
Ile Sainte Croix Dochet Island Riviere Peugiguit Pisiguid River
Ile Saint Jean Prince Edward Island Riviere Pigiguid Avon River
Kagibougouet Kouchibouguac Ste Anne de la Baie des Espagnols     Sydney
La Grande Anse Orwell Bay Ste Anne Fredericton
La Heve La Have Ste Sauveur Blue Hill
La Mer Rouge Northumberland Strait    Tintamarre Sackville
La Conde Moncton Tracadieche Carleton
Le Marais Pownell Bay